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    Experience the beauty
    of LED lighting


    Discover soft white Philips LED lights

    Soft white light - create a cosy atmosphere

    A common misconception about LED lighting is that it produces a cold light effect. But did you know that today, Philips LED lighting is available in different colour temperatures?


    Colour temperature is indicated in a unit called Kelvin (K). A low colour temperature creates a warm, cosy light effect, while a high colour temperature creates a cool, more energising effect. The majority of Philips LED lighting products provides 2700 Kelvin, which is warm white light.


    Try the colour slider below to learn more about colour temperature, or have a look at our Wiki guide on colour temperature.

    Choose your LED color

    Need to replace a bulb? Pick the colour temperature that works for you


    When you want to create a cosy, secure and relaxing home atmosphere, look for a fixture or bulb with a colour temperature of 2700K.


    To learn more, watch the video at right, or have a look at the Wiki guide on colour temperature.

    Popular warm white LED bulbs & spots

    Popular lamps with

    integrated warm white LED