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    Experience the beauty
    of LED lighting


    Discover energy-saving, long-
    lasting Philips LED lights

    Energy efficient LED

    A common misconception about LED lighting is that it produces a cold light effect. But did you know that today, Philips LED lighting is available in different colour temperatures?


    Colour temperature is indicated in a unit called Kelvin (K). A low colour temperature creates a warm, cosy light effect, while a high colour temperature creates a cool, more energising effect. The majority of Philips LED lighting products provides 2700 Kelvin, which is warm white light.


    Try the colour slider below to learn more about colour temperature, or have a look at our Wiki guide on colour temperature.


    Energy-saving LED lights


    LED lighting means sustainable lighting in so many ways. First, LED lights save up to 90% energy compared to a traditional bulb with the same light output.


    When you buy a Philips LED lamp or light bulb, you start saving money right away. For each light bulb you replace with a LED light, you will see immediate returns on a lower energy bill.


    Long lifetime


    LED light sources last longer, avoiding the hassle of frequent changing of light bulbs. This significantly reduces waste but also saves money in the long term.This significantly reduces waste but also saves money in the long term.


    The lifetime of a LED light source can be up to 10 times longer than that of traditional light sources. A conventional bulb has a lifetime of about 2.000 hours, while Philips LED lighting has a lifetime up to 20.000 hours. That is the equivalent of 20 years!


    Lumen & wattage


    Lumen and wattage are important concepts to understand when considering the energy use of a light source. Simply put: a LED light uses far less energy (watt) to produce the same light output (lumen).


    An example: a LED bulb uses only 2.5 watts to produce a light output of 115 lumen, while a traditional bulb uses 15 watts (or 6 times more energy!) to produce the same lumen output.


    Watch the video to learn more about watt and lumen, or check out our Wiki guides on amount of light and watt & lumen.

    Popular LED lamps

    Popular LED bulbs and spots